
After 2 successful years of running The Gathering of Men in both 2022 and 2023, it’s time to grow and evolve in both reach and impact. but more importantly, we are being called to anchor the depth and quality of facilitation in the men's work space.

This is for the man who desires to step into his leadership like never before and devote his life to service. Mens Circles, Workshops, Retreats, Coaching and Mentoring, whatever vehicle you choose to serve through you must have a deep embodiment of the work for it to have a lasting impact in your client's lives. This really is for the man who is already on the path and has kicked a few goals, but deep down knows he has been playing it safe. This is the initiation you've been putting off up until now. 

You know you are here to lead...

You feel it too. It stirs deep within you. The path of service. To call in a new way for humanity to thrive. To be a man who is not only wanting to lead but actually capable of leading & willing to meet the challenges that come with it. 

And believe me, I get it. I too feel the same deep stirring to serve. To lead men inward and reveal the many doorways that give access to the present moment. 

There is something deeper here than the modalities. While these tools are necessary, what I am speaking of exists beneath this. This is not a fixed formula or 3-step process, no, this is a way of being.

A builder is not defined by the quality of his tools or a baker by his oven. Regardless of the tools, The quality of your leadership will be determined by the way you utilise the tools. This is exactly what sets someone apart in their facilitation or coaching. 

So we wanted to create something that serves the man willing to go all in and truly fortify his nervous system for service. This training we have created doesn't just give you the tools, it gives you the ability to use the tools and the courage to go out and lead with depth, humility, & power.

Take your time with this decision. read everything on this page and sit with your decision for at least 48 hours. 

Ask yourself...

Do I know this training is for me? - YES/NO

Do I feel this training is for me? YES/NO

Am I the man who does this training? YES/NO

If you answer yes to all 3 the nyou are ready. 

You know it in your mind

You feel it in your bones 

You are it by claiming it as already done.

It is an honour to serve you, I will see you in the arena.  

Bless up + big love,

Jacob + the EMI team.  

The Universe responds in favour to the man who dares to step into the arena and reveal his heart. 

He is the king who serves his kingdom.

He is the warrior who wears no armour.

He is the lover who gives all of his heart. 

He is the mystic who sees the truth and trusts it. 

He is an embodied man who leads with depth. 

So we have drawn a line in the sand.

We have created a structure for this facilitation training that sets what we believe is the minimum standard for a facilitator in the men's work space.

 This standard is needed. Men need to know how to utilise the power of nature, presence and spirit to serve other men on their journey. 

We offer this training as an invitation to the men who wish to be custodians of this work and show up in service to developing a healthy culture of masculinity so men know who they are, what they are here to do and how they can do it with integrity.  

This work starts with men but it serves the greater whole. Women, Children, Mother Earth, Elders, & the future generations. 

This training merges many aspects of facilitation into one core experience, giving you an all-encompassing approach to men’s work facilitation.


Ultimately as a facilitator the depth you take yourself to/allow yourself to surrender to will present as your level of embodiment as a facilitator.

Thus, this experience is deep and transformative from a personal level whilst also providing you frameworks, skillsets, teachings and wisdom that you can carry forth and provide to your clients.

You will walk away from this training with not just the tools but the capacity to implement them into your work immediately and begin serving those who are here to receive your medicine.

Please see below what we will cover in this facilitation training...


The fundamentals of men’s work facilitation

Our Curriculum

Regardless of how you choose to be of service, these fundamentals are essential to you providing a deep and powerful experience that is both safe and impactful for your clients.


How to facilitate the practices held at “The Gathering of Men” 

You are invited to join us for The Gathering of Men to lead these processes & to utilise them in your client sessions and workshop experiences.

This is an essential part of developing a structure for men to explore more than just what they can get from the material world offered up by modern society. The three worlds allow men to both expand and deepen their connections to the physical & non-physical. The seen and unseen. 

Upper World

Connect to SPIRIT

learn how to establish faith in a higher power & build a relationship with the non-physical world. Ask for guidance, support & to be shown the way.

Outer World

Connect to the Natural World

Learn how to become the offering and merge with nature. Commune with the animal kingdom, the elements, & Mother Earth. 

Inner World

Connect to your Soul

Embrace solitude and return to stillness so you can hear the whisper of your soul. Learn how to embody depth and bring through your essence in your work.

The Sacred 4

The intuitive structure that allows your essence to flow. The Sacred 4 will empower you to provide men with a detailed understanding of themselves and the world they operate in. Once men have implemented these into their life they become clear in their direction and confident in their ability to take inspired action toward their vision.


Learn to work with the 4 directions. Framing the energetic container and setting the structure for whenever you are holding space. Essential for engaging the ancient technology of the circle. 


Dive deep into the 4 archetypes that are well-known throughout the men's work world. Each of these bring with them a power that must be cultivated by a man if he wishes to stay  centred in his being. 


Discover the power of the 4 elements through communing with nature. See the unique individual power of each element and learn to work with it to provide a deeper connection to the seen and unseen. 


The world is alive & constantly communicating with us. learn to embrace the messengers sent by spirit. Allow yourself to cultivate meaning in the seemingly coincidental moments. Synchronicities happen in every moment.  


Journey of Transformation

These are tried and tested mens work processes and frameworks. They allow you to provide content that covers 3 key areas:

1. Concept - I understand it.

2. Story - I feel connected to it. 

3. Action - I am inspired to take action. 

The Hero’s Journey

Every man must leave the village and embark on a quest to reveal what he is truly capable of as a man. 

The Artist’s Journey

Every man has a craft he is here to master & offer back to the world. The pursuit of mastery in your chosen field.

The Initiation Cycle

We are not linear. We are cyclical. This cycle reveals how men experience life and how to honour each season.

The 4 Stages of Manhood

Identify the stages of manhood so you can identify where you're at and what tasks need to be prioritised.


Remove the modern world complexity and return to the natural vehicles of connection that have been serving cultures around the world since the beginning of time.


Unlock the power of your voice. Learn to use your voice in harmony with your heart and the hearts of other men. 


Learn to dance with the earth not just on it. Feel the power of movement through raw expression and the beat of the drum


Learn to walk between the two worlds through storytelling. This is where myth and reality meet. Weave the deeper meanings within your lived experience and let your story be a vessel for not just connection but also deep learning. Men learn best when they don't know they are learning.  


Depth can not be found in the noise of doing. Stillness is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Learn the art of stillness and how once you've embraced the practice of solitude, the answers you seek will arrive at exactly the right time without force or fever.



Pay In Full


One time payment.
5 Day Live-In Retreat
+ 3 Month Post Retreat Container
+ Invite to facilitate at The Gathering of Men


Payment Plan


Initial AUD$2500 deposit + 4 Monthly Payments.
5 Day Live-In Retreat
+ 3 Month Post Retreat Container
+ Invite to facilitate at The Gathering of Men


The Details


Do you have any further questions?

Feel free to book a 30-minute consult call with Jacob to get full clarity on whether this training is right for you. 

Book A Consult Call

Meet Jacob.

Mens Coach, Founder of TGOM, Husband, Soon-to-be Father. 

Jacob O'Neill has been in the men's work space for the past 6 years. During this time he has worked with 100's of men, exposing them to deep and powerful processes through Workshops, Events, Retreats and Coaching.

The work he offers is deeply embodied and has been cultivated through his own lived experience. Choosing to immerse himself in the arena rather than just reading about it or regurgitating someone else's story. 

There are many aspects to Jacob and what he brings to the world, however the underlying trait that he is known for is his authenticity. He leads with his heart and doesn't hold back.  

His work with men is an embodied prayer. A prayer that all men can live freely, love deeply and serve humbly.